JCD Cleaning Services Turn Down One-off Work to Focus on Commercial Cleaning Contracts
JCD Cleaning & Support Services have been turning down one-off work from prospective clients for the past 6-12 months. While a quick assumption may say staff numbers are low due to Brexit (which is true for a number of industries), it is also partly down to significant growth JCD are experiencing and despite JCD paying a living wage, in some areas they are struggling to find recruits.
As of late, JCD are facing instances of interviewees accepting jobs and not showing up, making it all the more important for their mobile team to manage the issues whilst replacements are sourced. This has not deterred JCD however, having recently signed a three-year, six-figure deal with lightweight building products and systems manufacturer, Knauf UK. Currently one of the fastest-growing cleaning companies in the South-East, JCD have grown by around £1 million, too busy to take on many one-off projects and focusing on pursuing similar scale jobs to expand to wider areas and provide greater economies of scale for their customers.
JCD director, Chris Guilfoyle weighed in: “I think our growth will be slower until the market catches up. We are continuing to utilize our mobile teams [to smaller projects], which are maintained to high standards and are making an effort to open the industry to all people and show what career paths are on offer through our social media posts.”
JCD are active on their YouTube channel ‘JCD Cleaning’, posting regular videos on their cleaning process across different sectors where they provide services for schools, warehouses, hospitality, retail, construction and healthcare. The aim is to grow awareness for the cleaning industry through insightful and entertaining videos targeting prospective clients and industry professionals, showcasing a more open and accessible approach to a broad sector that can often be overlooked in the jobs market.